Pretty CAD >> actual design

Hyperloop Controls System

Lessons learned from 2 years of design

The team was thrilled about the second place finish summer 2017 but had goals to improve the following year. A group of seniors decided this would be a great way to contribute to the team while working on something "cutting edge". Hyperloop was still an emerging technology at the time and unproven at any significant scale. The students in these competitions were experts of sorts along with companies like Hyperloop One and Virgin Hyperloop. A trip down a mile long tube was good traction for proving the overall concept, but there were many details to figure out from logistics of building the tube, rider comfort, and how it would be powered. Our capstone team decided to tackle a pod avionics system. The goal was a flexible, safety-focused, real-time system that could be reconfigured and upgraded as hyperloop evolved. Our extra challenge was developing a controls system tailored to our pod.

Node Design

Schematic Block Diagram



High Level Electrical Schematic


A Broken Link!